Having listened to this episode, I have to say: I thought you were on track until the last 5 minutes, when you started apologizing all over the place for your otherwise accurate assessment of Tate McRae's music being a derivative, imitative bastardization of lamestream B-tier pop from the 2010s. And please, she is NOT the Paula Abdul of this generation just because she started out as a dancer, as that is incredibly insulting to Paula Abdul. Many musicians started out as dancers, including Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, MC Hammer, 2Pac, Lady Gaga, and more. Even Kevin Federline looks talented compared to Tate McCrae! I might say, going forward, you should stop holding back on panning music that is straight up crap, and just channel your inner Todd In The Shadows. Other than that, no strong feelings.

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That said, is "Simple Pop" a new genre that we can check off on the bingo card?

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I listened to the podcast today and I thought it was a bit harsh on Tate McCrae. I had always thought the ethos of the podcast was to celebrate pop music. However this post/email was much more positive. There is so much negativity in the world right now I hope future episodes lean more towards the positive side. Just my opinion for whatever it is worth (if anything).

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